VELO Wintery Watermelon Mini

VELO Wintery Watermelon Mini is manufactured by BAT. The main flavors in the product are watermelon and mint, its intensity is normal, and its shape is mini. Each can includes 20 portions and is defined as tobacco-free snus.

In 2024, VELO Wintery Watermelon Mini is being launched! A redesign of VELO Mini Iced Melon but with the same flavor as today.

Auf Lager
  • 1 piece 5,30 CHF/piece
  • -11% 10-pack 4,70 CHF /piece
  • -13% 30-pack 4,60 CHF /piece
  • -15% 60-pack 4,50 CHF /piece
  • -17% 120-pack 4,40 CHF /piece
  • - +
5,30 CHF
VELO Wintery Watermelon Mini
VELO Wintery Watermelon Mini
Weitere Informationen
Nikotin (mg/g)12mg
Content (g/can)10g
Content typeNicotine
TYPTobacco free
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